TIMB is looking for parent volunteers to “Join the pack”. The Northwood Instrumental Music program includes wind, string, jazz, and percussion ensembles, in addition to a marching band. While a large number of volunteers are required to support marching band in the fall, there are opportunities to help throughout the year with concerts, festivals, fundraising and community events. Please take a moment to look at the detailed volunteer opportunities and consider helping.
TIMB runs on volunteer power! We have over 400 volunteer spots to fill this year. We cannot run this wonderful program without parent volunteers and encourage all families to get involved. Help for 1-2 hours, or sign up to help at every home game or concert. We need volunteers to serve food, setup stadium seating, assist with uniforms, drive trucks, sell tickets, hand out concert programs, take photos and video and more. Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents, show school spirit and support all of our students!
We currently have the following board and committee chair positions available.
- Auditor – Review TIMB finances and prepare bi-annual reports
- Color Guard parent Representative – Represent Color Guard at TIMB monthly meetings
- Transportation Chair – Coordinate trucks and volunteers as needed for performances
Please email TIMB.President@gmail.com if you are interested and/or want more information. Thank you!
Volunteer for NHS Marching Band & Color Guard
It takes a small army of volunteers to support each performance! Volunteer for an hour, or for every performance.
Volunteer for Concerts & Events
We have several volunteer opportunities available for our Fall, Winter, Spring and POPS Concerts as well as our many annual events.
We have several volunteer opportunities available for our Fall, Winter, Spring and POPS Concerts. Please volunteer for a date when your child is NOT performing. Otherwise, volunteers will trade off so everyone can watch their child perform. All volunteers will receive free admission and also be allowed to reserve your seat before your shift begins.
2024 Winter Concerts signup

Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities for upcoming events such as:
- Band Spectacular
- Marching Band Banquet and Awards
- Jazz at the Oak
- Instrumental Music Awards.
We are looking for additional help to photograph and/or video our various events throughout the year. At the end of the marching band season and at the end of the school year, we present a slide show of the Instrumental Music events at the annual Awards Ceremony. Using the TIMB event pictures that are taken throughout the year, we need someone to help coordinate the show. If you would like to take pictures and/or video, post pictures on-line, help produce the end of season or end of the year slide show….please consider volunteering as a TIMB Photographer.
Help sell spiritwear at football games and events throughout the year.
Help fit students for their marching band uniform. No skills needed, we will train you. Other band camp volunteer opportunities available here as well.
We need drivers for 3 trucks used to transport uniforms, instruments, and equipment between NHS and Irvine High Stadium. The automatic transmission trucks are 26’ which do not require a special license to operate. The pick-up locations are local. The pick-up time is anytime before 2PM. Once the truck is back at NHS at the end of night and the truck has been unloaded, the trucks can be returned to the facility.
For every NHS home football game at Irvine Stadium, parent volunteers arrive at 5:45 PM to wipe down the stadium seats and place seat covers on the bleachers before the band arrives. After the game or performance, the seat covers need to be collected and folded for storage. Three (3) to six (6) volunteers are needed for every game or performance.
Before and after every Marching Band performance, volunteers help the students with their uniforms. We need volunteers to help at every home football game, Band Spectacular and the field competition. Volunteers are assigned to one instrument section and you will assist those students for the entire season (Sept-Dec). At a scheduled call time before each home game, volunteers assemble @ Irvine High School Gym and get the uniforms and shakos ready. They make sure that students are wearing the uniform correctly. Volunteers return to Irvine High School Gym after the performance to ensure that the students hang up their uniforms properly and put everything away.
For every NHS Marching Band performance at Irvine Stadium, parent volunteers serve the Marching Band a simple dinner during the third quarter of the football game or at NHS before the band leaves for competition. For each performance, we need at least two volunteers to purchase the meal (fully reimbursed by TIMB) and deliver it to Irvine Stadium or NHS (competitions). We will also need many volunteers to help serve the food. At the end of the season, the food committee will also help with the Marching Band Awards Reception.