Welcome to the Timberwolves Instrumental Music Boosters (TIMB)! We are a non-profit organization established in 1999 to help support and advance the Northwood High School instrumental music program. This program is composed of nearly 600 students in four Orchestras, four Bands, four Jazz Bands, and a Marching Band. Our mission statement is “Working to Raise Education Performance through Instrumental Music and the Performing Arts“.
We need your support! All donations are tax deductible, and 100% of your donation goes directly to our program. Please click on the Donate tab above to learn more about where your donations go. And TIMB runs on volunteer power! We have over 400 volunteer spots to fill this year. We cannot run this wonderful program without volunteers and we encourage all families to get involved.
Latest News
9/13/24 – KMA & Away Game Tonight
THANK YOU FOR HELPING TO "KEEP MUSIC ALIVE" AT NHS! A sincere thank you to all of those who have made a tax-deductible donation to our music program! These donations are the only way we can continue to provide the high level of experiences for all of our nearly-500 students, and they cover everything from the coaches that come in for each section, instrument purchase and repair, accessories such as strings, rosin, drum sticks and mallets, mouthpieces and reeds, to purchasing the very music we perform. At this time, roughly 42% of our families have made a donation to our program – thank you so much for your support! While donations are not required to participate, a tax-deductible donation will help sustain our program at its current level. Donations of any amount are welcome at any time – no donation is too small to make a significant impact! Families are also encouraged to check with their employers as many will offer matching donations! You are also welcome to make a donation of your time as there are SEVERAL opportunities to volunteer and get involved with our Instrumental Music Family! ...
9/5/24 – NHS vs Pacifica
NORTHWOOD VS. PACIFICA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, IRVINE HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM Don't miss out on the fun and excitement! Hear and see the Northwood Marching Band & Color Guard's perform selections from popular Disney films. The band will perform at the pre-game show, during the game, and at halftime. Invite family, friends, NHS & TIMB alumni; everyone is welcome! ...
8/29/24 – Northwood vs Sonora
SECOND HOME GAME OF THE SEASON NORTHWOOD VS. SONORA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30th, PORTOLA HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM Don't miss out on the fun and excitement! Hear and see the Northwood Marching Band & Color Guard's second performance of the season! The band will perform at the pre-game show, during the game, and at halftime. Invite family, friends, NHS & TIMB alumni; everyone is welcome! 5:30pm: Student call time, meet at the PHS outdoor basketball court (drop off at parking lot off Merit) 6:40pm: Pre-game show, National Anthem 7:00pm: Kickoff ...