Welcome to the Timberwolves Instrumental Music Boosters (TIMB)! We are a non-profit organization established in 1999 to help support and advance the Northwood High School instrumental music program. This program is composed of nearly 600 students in four Orchestras, four Bands, four Jazz Bands, and a Marching Band. Our mission statement is “Working to Raise Education Performance through Instrumental Music and the Performing Arts“.
We need your support! All donations are tax deductible, and 100% of your donation goes directly to our program. Please click on the Donate tab above to learn more about where your donations go. And TIMB runs on volunteer power! We have over 400 volunteer spots to fill this year. We cannot run this wonderful program without volunteers and we encourage all families to get involved.
Latest News
3/4/25 – Spring Concerts
SPRING FESTIVAL CONCERTS THIS WEEK! Spring is coming a little early to Northwood! Join us this Wednesday, 3/5 and Thursday, 3/6 for two evenings of live music, presented by our bands and orchestras. Both concerts are FREE and will be held in the Northwood High School Theater at 7:00pm...
2/4/25 – February Events
MAKE DREAMS COME TRUE: SUPPORT NORTHWOOD HIGH SCHOOL'S PRODUCTION OF CINDERELLA, 2/13-2/15 Step into a world of magic, music, and dreams with Northwood High School's upcoming production of Cinderella, featuring a live pit orchestra! Showings are next Thursday and Friday nights at 6:45pm, and 2pm and 6:45pm on Saturday. Click here to purchase tickets. Hope to see you there!...
12/3/24 – Winter Concerts
WINTER CONCERTS THIS WEEK! The Winter Concerts will be taking place this Wednesday, December 4th and Thursday, December 5th. Winter Concert tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students, seniors and children. Concert vouchers may be used for this performance. If you have not received your concert vouchers, they will be available for pickup at the box office...
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